

Let your mind wander and relax

various massage offers

Physio Therapie

Fitness room

“A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.”

The Princely Golf & Nature Resort Bad Waldsee has always felt committed to the wisdom of the ancient Roman writer Juvenal quoted above. In our new spa area you will find various saunas, a steam bath and relaxation rooms from September 10, 2023. We also pamper you with classic massages and oils made in-house.

Let your mind wander and let your gaze wander into the distance and if you feel like getting some fresh air, then the cozy balcony with a view of the first tee is at your disposal.

Fürstliches Golf-Resort Bad Waldsee, Golf, 45-Loch Golf-Anlage, LED Nachtgolf-Anlage, Golfschule, Golfturniere, New Course, Old Course, 9-Loch-Kurzplatz, Greenkeeping, Fürstlicher Golf-Club Oberschwaben, Fürstliches Golf-Hotel, Golf-Angebote, Golf-Schnupperkurse, Natur-Lehrpfad, Rund-Wanderwege, Kaffee, Restaurant, Vinothek, erlesene Weine, Bar, selbstgebackene Kuchen, Snacks, Mittagstisch, Sonnenterrasse, Gin - Greenkeeper's Cut, Bier vom Fass, kleine Gerichte, Burger, vegetarisch, vegan, Laktose frei, Gluten frei, Café-Restaurant Ausblick T-19, Restaurant im Hofgut

Jürgen Maier-Haselbach

Massage therapist & physiotherapist

He is characterized by his many years of experience, highest competence and his broad diversity. From classic massages to thorn therapy to taping or even physiotherapy, 'young and old bones' are brought back into motion.

View massage offers now Personal advice and appointment booking

Our tip: book an appointment now!

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