
Sustainability & environmental protection

We act in a resource-saving and sustainable manner

Room cleaning can be canceled

Towel change every two days

environmentally friendly cleaning agents

Relief for nature

Do your part!

We would like to thank you very much for your support out of your love for nature.

Sustainability and environmental protection are very important to us!

We act sustainably and conserve resources and assure you that our hotel is ecologically compatible.

What do we do about it?

    For example, we offer you the option of canceling room cleaning during your hotel stay. This is possible for a maximum of four consecutive days, after which cleaning is mandatory. With just a call to reception or with our door sign, it's easy and effortless. Through this measure, we save water, energy and cleaning agents and thereby relieve the burden on our environment and our employees.

    We only change towels and bed linen every other day. This also means we save water and energy and have less impact on the environment, due to the reduced amount of laundry and less detergent that is used.

    We clean our hotel with environmentally friendly cleaning products that protect nature. They are ecologically degradable, more skin-friendly and also better tolerated by guests suffering from allergies.


You too can actively contribute to the success of our sustainability and environmental protection measures! - Because the preservation of ecological diversity, the responsible use of resources and the thought of future generations - these are topics that concern us all.




Hotel reception

Phone: 49 7524 4017-0

Email: info(at)

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