"Trotz seines jungen Alters kann Martin mit seinem Wissen und seiner praktischen Erfahrung überzeugen. Ich trainiere nun schon über ein Jahr bei ihm und er konnte mir nicht nur helfen, Muskeln aufzubauen, sondern auch einen gesunden Weg zu weniger Gewicht aufgezeigen. Dank ihm konnte ich nachhaltig 10 kg abnehmen und ich fühle mich nun pudelwohl in meinem Körper!"
“Beim Golfschlag hatte ich immer Beschwerden und Beweglichkeitsprobleme. So gelang mir nie ein präziser Golfschlag. Durch das Training mit Martin kann ich nun tatsächlich weiter und ohne Beschwerden schlagen. Durch zielführende Dehn- und Koordinationsübungen war schon eine Besserung nach dem ersten Training spürbar. Wie wichtig das Gleichgewicht beim Golfschlag ist, war mir vor dem Trainings völlig unklar.”
“Martin ist ein junger und dynamischer Trainer. Seine Trainings machen immer viel Spaß und sind dabei sehr effektiv. Man merkt, dass ihm seine Kunden sehr am Herzen liegen und er kein Standardprogramm durchführt. Er nimmt sich immer die Zeit und passt Übungen an die entsprechenden Fortschritte an, sodass immer wieder neue Meilensteine erreicht werden können.”
All main muscle groups and motor skills are controlled and trained. In addition, balance is trained and exercises from the area of “brain jogging” are included.
The training is suitable for every performance level.
Possible individually, in pairs or in a group.
Prices – single: 75€/ for two: 99€/
each additional person: 55€
Duration 1 to 1.5 hours
In a full-body workout, the body's main muscle groups are targeted, activated and trained. All conditional skills (strength, endurance, agility, speed) and some coordination skills (ability to balance, ability to differentiate, ability to anticipate, ability to react, ability to orientate, ability to rhythm) are included in the training.
General sequence of a full body workout:
• Warm up (loosening all muscle groups)
• Strength training (for main muscles and muscle loops, additional speed strength and strength endurance)
• Balance training and coordination training
• Endurance training
• Stretching/loosening and ending
The training content and the training process can of course change depending on the person and situation.
Individual training if there are local complaints (knees, hips, back, shoulders, etc.).
The focus is on reducing symptoms by strengthening, stretching, stabilizing and mobilizing the relevant area with targeted sports therapy exercises.
Best done individually, as targeted sports therapy exercises require the trainer's full attention.
Price – 85€
Duration 1 to 1.5 hours
The training focuses on orthopedic complaints. In a short conversation beforehand, it will be clarified what complaints the trainee has. A training program is then put together specifically for the region of the complaint, which trains the relevant area. Depending on the symptoms, strength, stretching, stabilization or mobilization exercises are carried out during training to reduce existing symptoms.
Process of a complaint-related training:
• Gentle warm-up of the body
• Warming up the relevant region of complaint
• Specific strength exercises that lead to strengthening of the (surrounding) structures
• Stretching or stabilization (depending on the symptoms)
• Relaxation and mobilization
The training content must always be viewed and developed individually. The process shown is only an example and can vary significantly. The preliminary conversation is important.
A lack of exercise in everyday life, such as frequent sitting, causes the muscles to shorten or atrophy. Poor posture, headaches or back problems are common symptoms and consequences that result.
Health training specifically trains these muscular deficits that occur in everyday life. Muscular shortenings are compensated for and the cardiovascular system is moderately supported. In addition, valuable tips for everyday life are provided with which the deficits can be eliminated. Possible individually, in pairs or in a group.
Prices – single: 75€/ for two: 99€/
each additional person: 55€
Duration 1 to 1.5 hours
Health-promoting training is primarily aimed at stretching or strengthening muscles that have become shortened and atrophied due to everyday life. In addition, it is intended to compensate for muscular imbalances caused by poor posture or monotonous movement sequences. Even in golf, if there is no compensatory training, certain muscle groups are put under greater strain and others are neglected. Shortened and atrophied muscle areas as well as muscular imbalances sooner or later lead to problems with the musculoskeletal system. During the training itself, the muscles that tend to shorten are stretched and the muscles that tend to atrophy are strengthened.
Process of a health training:
• General warm-up of all muscle groups
• Alternate stretching and strengthening exercises to improve posture
• Compensatory exercises for muscular imbalances
• Balance exercises (since balance is a skill that declines rapidly with age)
The exercises vary depending on the imbalance of the muscles.
The golf swing is a complex sequence of movements in which certain muscle chains are activated one after the other in a very short time. The training focuses precisely on these activated muscle chains. The focus is on the leg, core, shoulder and arm muscles that are used when hitting a golf shot. The training of the conditional ability “speed strength”, which significantly influences performance in golf, is an integral part of the training. In addition, compensatory exercises are integrated to take preventive action against problems caused by golf. The training is suitable for every performance level. Possible individually, in pairs or in a group.
Price – 85€
Duration 1 to 1.5 hours
This training focuses on the sport of golf and the skills required for it. The muscles that are primarily used in the golf swing are controlled and trained. Since golf is a high-speed sport, special exercises are carried out in the area of high-speed strength. The trunk, shoulder and arm muscles in particular are stressed.
Muscular imbalances cause problems. In order to take preventive action against these complaints, compensatory training is also incorporated into the training unit.
“Fit in Golf” training process:
• Warm-up of all muscles relevant to golf (especially the trunk area)
• Strengthening leg, torso, shoulder and arm muscles
• Speed strength exercises
• Compensatory training (in the form of stretching and strengthening certain joint and muscle areas)
• Relaxation
Perfect training with your best friend. Here you are guaranteed to laugh a lot and train effectively at the same time. Components of the “brain jogging” approach and coordination are integral parts of the training. The balance is put to the test through exercises that are sometimes very funny and entertaining. And you wouldn't believe how many muscles have to be active to do this. Possible as a couple or in a group.
Price for two: 99€/
each additional person: 55€
Duration 1 to 1.5 hours
Here you will mainly find exercises from the area of “brain jogging”, which promote inter- and intramuscular coordination and focus on the connection between brain and muscle. This means that certain movements are carried out in response to certain external stimuli (colors, sounds, facial expressions). Laughter is the order of the day, as not everything that is wanted always works out right away. If a specification is fulfilled almost perfectly, the specification is immediately made more difficult so that perfect execution is hardly possible. This causes new synapses to be formed in the brain. This prevents Alzheimer's disease very well. This training is great for two people. Both the brain and the body are put under a lot of strain.
Process of the training session “Laughter is healthy”:
• short warm-up of the whole body
• Exercises in the area of brain jogging and coordination
• Final cool down decreases quickly)
It doesn't always have to be yoga. Through targeted training, you can achieve a relaxation of body and mind that you have never experienced before. Autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation are just two of the diverse training contents. Let yourself be surprised. Possible individually, in pairs or in a group.
Prices – single: 75€/ for two: 99€
each additional person: 55€
Duration 1 to 1.5 hours
When it comes to relaxation training, autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation techniques are preferred. This means, among other things, that targeted muscles are tensed and then relaxed. Studies consistently show that the relaxation of a muscle is significantly higher after tension. In addition, with the help of the trainer, back muscles are stretched, which contributes to additional relaxation. By relaxing the muscles and stretching the back muscles, the body and mind get a break.
Training process for relaxation training:
• Gentle warm-up of the entire body muscles
• Muscle relaxation and autogenic training
• Stretching the back muscles
• Final cool down
Book our personal coach Martin Fehr directly with us at our hotel reception at:
Princely golf resort
Hopfenweiler 9
88339 Bad Waldsee
Phone: 49 (0) 7524 4017-0
Fax: 49 (0) 7524 4017-100
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